Shufflebottom embraces Faith in Families as chosen charity for 2024 – 2025

Throughout its long history, Shufflebottom has tried its best to support charities here in Wales that are close to home and close to heart. With so many great causes that need financial support and profile-raising to maintain the valuable work they do, it is sometimes difficult to know where to start.

But the vision and work on the ground of one local charity has made a huge impression on us at Shufflebottom recently and we are proud to announce that we are embracing Faith in Families as our chosen charity for 2024 – 2025.

Established in 1999, Faith in Families’ vision is to build brighter futures for those children, young people and their families who face significant life challenges, with the aim of ensuring every child has the chance to reach their full potential. Working in the Swansea areas of Bonymaen, Clase and Portmead, it provides a wide array of services from child care to lunch clubs, as well as other ‘stand out’ projects such as Cwtch Mawr, Wales’ first Multibank.

It was therefore a source of great pride for Shufflebottom Director, Alex Shufflebottom, to meet Cherrie Bija, CEO, and, Siâny Martin, Fundraising Manager for Faith in Families, and be shown around the amazing Cwtch Mawr (Big Hug) facility. Seeing this wonderful operation in action was evidence of the vital work that is being done, and reinforced Shufflebottom’s commitment to future collaborations between us and Faith in Families.

Cwtch Mawr is partnered with a number of charities and groups throughout Swansea, who refer individuals and families to Faith in Families for donations of essential items. The referral form is always reflective of current need, being updated each week. All collections are done via the partners Faith in Families work with, and not directly with customers.

It came as a shock to us at Shufflebottom that 2022 data revealed that 34% of children in Wales live in poverty. Sometimes a statistic can mask the true picture, and that statistic needs to be translated into human terms: children and young people. That statistic of 34% is made up of almost 30,000 children living below the poverty threshold in Swansea alone, all being deprived, through no fault of their own, of a happy and healthy childhood.

Faith in Families believes that Swansea children deserve better. And so does Shufflebottom. That’s why we’re committed to supporting the charity in all the ways we can, whether it be fundraisers here at HQ in Cross Hands, sponsorship events such as those we’ve run in the past e.g. Golf Days and Auctions, or sponsored marathons and walks. We know we’ll have the support of our generous #teamofsteel here and that of the wider community. With a geographical reach across the UK, Shufflebottom is also confident that we can bring exciting and innovative ways of raising money and saving costs for Faith in Families, through our logistics, transportation, distribution operations and networks, as other business such as Amazon and Unilever are currently doing with such positive impacts.

At Shufflebottom we align with the model and ethos of Faith in Families. It is one not of short-term handouts, but one that goes beyond a quick fix, recognising that providing crucial and targeted support to children and families, where and when it is needed, can ensure lasting positive changes not only in individual lives, but families, the community and ultimately, the long-term health and economic prosperity of Swansea and Wales as a whole.

We know that poverty is not something that is necessarily fixed. With positive interventions like those being made by Faith In Families, trends can be reversed.

Our work starts now.

We are incredibly grateful to Shufflebottom Ltd for choosing Faith in Families as their Charity of the Year. Their support will be instrumental in helping us address the urgent needs of children and families in Swansea. With their backing, we can continue to build brighter futures and offer support that goes beyond temporary relief, ensuring lasting positive changes in our community

Cherrie Bija, CEO, Faith in Families

To read more about Faith in Families and how they are building brighter futures, please visit their website at  or their fabulous Facebook page

To see more about Cwtch Mawr  link to the YouTube video


Shufflebottom are raising money and awareness for Faith In Families.

Shufflebottom Fundraising for Faith In Families | Localgiving


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