Latest news from Shufflebottom

As one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of steel-framed buildings, we’ve got lots of news that we’re proud to share. From business awards to building competitions we hope you find this section interesting.

Philip Griffiths Philip Griffiths

Training Winner

Shufflebottom is delighted to receive the 2019 Training Award from RIDBA, the Rural & Industrial Design & Building Association.

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Steel-framed Agricultural Buildings Philip Griffiths Steel-framed Agricultural Buildings Philip Griffiths

New Buildings on Expanding Dairy Farm Express Confidence in Future

Harry Barnes (21) has his dairying future all mapped out on a five-acre site of levelled Leicestershire ironstone, at Somerby south of Melton Mowbray.

The buildings complex on the site is surrounded by 400 acres, farmed by the Barnes family since 1941.

H N Barnes & Son, the family company which commissioned the build, commented that Shufflebottom was "invaluable in the design and technical planning stages for our project", and that "staff were very professional".

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Philip Griffiths Philip Griffiths

Gold Award for Shufflebottom

RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, has awarded Shufflebottom a Gold Award for health and safety practices.

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Philip Griffiths Philip Griffiths

Apprentice Mathew Wins Award

Apprentice Mathew Davies, who worked in fabrication and welding at Shufflebottom of Cross Hands, has won a top apprentice award from Coleg Sir Gar.

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